- PRISMAP-5-30
- 30° Beamwidth
- Enhanced Co-Location Performance
- Dual-Linear Polarization
- Single Button Release
Designed for use with PrismStation and IsoStation, the PRISMAP-5-30 airMAX ac Beamwidth Sector Isolation Antenna Horn from Ubiquiti Networks offers enhanced coverage with a wider beamwidth, enhanced antenna gain, and dual-linear polarization making it a viable networking solution for co-location configurations. Additionally, this antenna horn can be exchanged quickly and easily thanks to the built-in single button release.
Modular Design
With flexible sectorization for optional antenna beamwidths, this PrismAP antenna is interchangeable and improves beam-shaping for specific deployment and environmental needs. The PrismStation and IsoStation use horn antenna sectors designed for increased co-location performance without sacrificing gain.
This symmetrical horn antenna offers enhanced scalability options for wireless systems. Unique beam performance and great co-location characteristics allow for a higher density of sectors than traditional sector technology.
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